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Running query "requestId=cfc3a428-9bc3-42b4-878f-cf9aa5ab95cc" on logs..."


2024/10/21 19:46:50 INFO New signUp request requestId=cfc3a428-9bc3-42b4-878f-cf9aa5ab95cc

2024/10/21 19:46:50 ERROR Failed to insert user with unique username requestId=cfc3a428-9bc3-42b4-878f-cf9aa5ab95cc error="ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"users_username_key\" (SQLSTATE 23505)"

Based on the provided log entries, the "signUp" request with requestId "cfc3a428-9bc3-42b4-878f-cf9aa5ab95cc" was processed, but there was an error inserting the user into the database due to a duplicate key value violating the unique constraint "users_username_key" (SQLSTATE 23505). This means that the username of the user is not unique, and it is already present in the database.